Keeping your Feet on God’s Footprints
I am a mother of 3 precious and amazingly smart pure children. 2 girls and 1 boy. I love bei
ng a mother, when I was 16 my would started to dream about kids. When I was in school I started to be more surrounded by them, I used to love feeling their presence playing around me and seeing them running, sharing and laughing with pureness. I used to observe and admire how easy was for them to forgive, to not even check how their friend was dressed or dancing. If a child dances , simply dances. If a child gets annoyed or upset they simply get upset and express it in the best and open way as possible. They don’t fake it with a painful smile or with fake actions. Their pure essence captured my soul and one of the things that I have learned in my life is when a child starts making you drawings, that’s a welcome to their heart. Once you are in their drawings and they give it to you, you definitely are more than just “someone” in their life. I was fighting between my adolescence insecurities, being approved by my friends, doing things (never drugs) or acting in certain ways that weren’t part of myself at all. After school I was always unhappy with what I did that day, how I acted and dissapointed about myself. After falling and standing up between this two sides (my souls and my social image). After all I have learned that life is about that, falling and standing up again for getting stronger and teaching others. But I started to get apart of the people that were taking the wrong path (drugs and bad choices) and I started to be more with kids. I met a guy in school that was my boyfriend for more than 4 years. And he supported me in this strong love for children that I was having. I cannot explain how fulfilling is when you are sitting down somewhere in school and a group of 10 children comes to you and hugs you. Is amazingly fulfilling. At 16, my soul screamed for being a mother. It was hard because I was fighting between “the society rules” (study,money,you are too young). And what my soul wanted. I talked with my boyfriend of school the one that I mentioned before. An amazing guy by the way, a very good heart. He was very young, but I was dying inside for having my own child, one that grows in and with me. So After talking with him for months about it finally we decided it and I got pregnant. God, I felt the sun in my heart when I saw that pregnancy test positive. Since then my life have changed so much, for excellent of course. God is always there for us it doesn’t matter if we see it or not. Is based on how we act, what we listen,what we watch, in other words, is based on being aware. When I turned around 18 years old. I was even happier as a mother and of two girls!. But then I discovered that there was something more, my soul was calling for something and I didn’t know what it was. One day I went to a mall with my two little queens and went inside of a bookstore and there was the spiritual section. (I have always been a very spiritual,since really little). And I felt a shock in my heart. I stayed in that section several minutes analyzing every single book that was there. My souls picked one called “synchrodestiny” by Deepak Chopra. That’s how my soul finally met this phenomenon called meditation. So since then my eyes never stopped reading spiritual books and making god’s path and actions my way of living. I started going to spiritual speeches, I met a lot of angels around there(we always have angels around. They have human costumes. The one that stops for helping you with your flat tire, the one that helps you paying things that you cannot afford in that moment, the one that mentions that famous Anwser or words that you have been waiting for hearing. Well, infinite episodes that happens in the day by day. Yes,those are angels.) when I turned 19 I was still being of course a mom 24/7. But I needed my scapes with myself, so I started to travel alone, I didn’t have money , I had maybe 35 or 45 dollars?. And with that I bought my bus tickets, paid hostels of 8 dollars the night, with that money I ate also. I was always letting the things be, letting things happen alone. I had what I needed and if i would need more god would have gave more. But I understood that I could make it with that amount, and never failed. God always put amazing people in my way in my short trips, I saw miracles happen. Actually miracles happens everyday. The fact that you have eyes for reading this is a miracle. But we get so used to having them and we loose appreciation. Those trips where fulfilling my life even more. I felt really shining like the sun, flying so free and high as an eagle. Between nature, feeling the dirt between my feet, diving into god’s waters, smelling the smell of the woods,mountains,leaves. Appreciating how they dance with the music that they create at the same time. Is an indescribable feeling and irreplaceable. God is always calling us. The universe has the power and powerful characteristic of having a way of communicating with each one of us. Don’t let your soul gets distracted by the social media, by the comments on the radio, by the music that is around there that causes you negative and unproductive consequences. By this person that simply is vibrating low, in negative mode and wants to smash your day. Don’t let them. Always, but always, Be courteous. Even when you are driving, let them pass first. Don’t fight. If they made a mistake don’t look back at them with a bad face. You have made mistakes too, do you like when someone looks bad at you?. Always say thank you and send blessings to everyone around you. Don’t look down at someone that doesn’t have enough coins in his/her wallet. Or that is dressed improperly, or is dirty. You never know what they are really living and going through. Your mind and ego is going to come to tempt you to judge and act in negative ways that won’t take you anywhere. Always ask to yourself how could I help here?, if you can’t just bless and go away. But if you can do it, always help, always give the best of you. Always act with your soul not with your mind and ego. Keep your feet on God’s land.
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